Do dentists know when you lie about flossing?

Willie W.
Of course they can see evidence of damage and probably bits of your last meal
Danielle C.
Yes! My dentist can always tell if I've been lax, but usually can't tell if I floss consistently for two weeks right before my appointment.
Debra Y.
Of course they do! They are able to not only see every surface of the teeth, but also the damage (or benefits) of my personal oral routines.
Logan U.
Yes! They can tell by how much plaque has accumulated between our teeth.
Salvador E.
Dentists do know when you lie about flossing because your gums speak the truth
Phil T.
Yes they know because they can see the scaling and plaque
Sylvia W.
Yes that s why its very important to brush teeth
Hort Nsia A.
Definitely, especially in people with “wonky”
Or not straight teeth because they can see the plaque building up inbetween the teeth and causing damage – well that’s how I feel anyways, that’s why I floss 🥰
Richard U.
They absolutely know! Your gums will be more irritated if you don’t floss regularly, and they’ll bleed a lot more too. I know a dentist and he says he can always tell
Matthew Z.
They do know when you floss. I never lie about that. The poor hygienist has to work so much longer when I don't floss. She always compliments me when I have flossed daily!
The experience is better for me too. I'm out of the chair so much quicker and with much less discomfort.
Martiniano O.
Yes, I’m sure they do since there are visible consequences from a lack of flossing.
Malou Z.
First, why would you lie to a health care professional? Second, yes. It's relatively obvious, upon close inspection of the teeth and gums, whether someone has been flossing regularly. So, if you lie because you're embarrassed about not flossing, now you should feel even more embarrassed for being caught out as a non-flosser AND a liar… Even if your dentist is too polite to call you out directly.
Valentin Z.
Yes dentists know when you lie about flossing. Plaque and decay is clearly visible on teeth that are not flossed regularly.
Germano T.
Yes. Not flossing will have consequences on your overall dental health and will leave behind clues. Since they are trained professionals, they will be able to spot a lack of poor flossing habits.
Anni X.
Of course they do. The buildup and gum disease is obvious.
Herwig U.
I’m sure they can tell for sure . I know I’m a horrible flosser and liar I said I do it more often recently meant the past 2 days smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ only done it once since too
Loane E.
Yes, they know which is why I'm open with them about the fact that I don't do it regularly. That's why it's part of my morning routine now.
Paul Z.
Yes, because your gums bleed during the cleaning if they aren't used to being flossed.
Lena E.
Yes. Because they can see 6 months of buildup. And gum irritation even if you did a bunch of flossing the last week before your cleaning. I think people who lie about flossing are the WORST kind of people. They cannot be trusted. 😜
Natalie X.
Haha Yes! My friend is a dental nurse and I asked him, he said they can always tell – if they ask you if you need a refresher on your flossing technique it usually means you are not doing it
Tino U.
Absolutely. Flossing strengthens your gums and, when done regularly, helps keep plaque and tartar from building up. Not flossing does the opposite and they can see the difference. In the years since I started flossing, the time it takes them to clean my teeth has shortened considerably.
Ian T.
I believe dentists know if you lie about flossing, because you would still have food particles in between teeth and more plaque buildup.
Odila F.
I can’t be sure, but I reckon that they do. After all, they are highly skilled professionals who take care in detailed work, so in my mind it seems likely.
Bradley J.
Yes I think that they will know from looking at your teeths. Especially if you gummies are kind of swollen n bleeding.
Wiebke W.
Hi they know for certain because plaque buld up on the enamle and form tartar and that become hard and that needs phisical removal.This all can lead to ..tooth decay, gum disease and intestine and general health issues
Liva B.
Probably so. Considering that they are people who study teeth for a living, and the changes made by habits such as flossing, I’m sure they’ll notice. Also, it’s usually pretty evident by the plaque building up near your gums that you might not be able to notice, but dentists with mirrors and other utensils that make them see easier will definitely notice.
Louis E.
Probably. If they can see, clearly in your mouth that you have not been flossing.
They may believe you have been flossing, just not very well. And at the end of the appointment they may tell you to floss better.
Ily S Q.
Yes, they can see that one hasn't flossed. It's very noticeable
Anneke F.
Probably. But thanks to this app nudging me to floss every night, I now floss regularly and feel good for it!
Carolyn Y.
Not always, I've gotten away with starting to floss two days before my appointment. But I've also had some cavities that made my lack of flossing obvious. So I guess it depends.
Jarbas Z.
Of course dentists know if you are lying about flossing. They are experts on teeth and the mouth so they know what signs to look for when a patient comes in for their checkups.
Maddison J.
Typically they would notice the plaque build up between your teeth – the places you can’t get to.

More importantly, it’s not their job to police you about flossing. It’s their recommendation as health professionals that you should do it. It’s for your health, not theirs.

Noah F.
Yes. Usually if you’re not flossing, your gums will bleed if we’re probing the gingiva with a blunt probe. Healthy gums are pink and stippled, gingivitis is red and the tissue looks puffy. Flossing removes the plaque(bacterial film) between the teeth that causes inflammation and bleeding if it’s left in contact with the tissue. If you’ve been flossing it removes the plaque and thus the cause of inflammation of the gum tissue, meaning your gums won’t bleed when we probe. So, yeah, we know 🙈
Ida W.
Yes, because there will be plaque build up between your teeth. Rather than worrying about the dentist, worry about the cavity that can cost up to $100 to fill. Flossing can prevent most cavities.
Thomas O.
I imagine that they would be able to tell that your gums are less healthy (e.g., more inflamed) if you don't floss.
Friedo E.
They'll know if you say you do it daily but you don't.
Jen J.
YES. I'm pretty sure dentists have studied teeth long enough to be able to tell the difference between good and bad dental hygiene habits.
N Lio I.
Of course they know. They look closely to your teeth and, if you don't floss, they'll see the cumulated old food rests. Lying about this will only hurt you.
Lija A.
They can usually tell because the gums will bleed. They use special tools to see how healthy your gums are. It is also a question to ask why the need to lie is there.
Antonietta T.
I have gotten implants at a quiet young age and have to go get a medical cleaning 1-2 times a year. Yes, dentists see if there's more bacteria between your teeth, they also see if the gum withdraws due to that reason. In my case, that means immediate threat to my front implants. I hate flossing but I do it because I know it will help keep my teeth and implants intact. Do floss guys. It really keeps you healthier and your smile happier.
Bastien S.
Sometimes… depends on the health of your gums and how much you have stuck between your teeth… decay, etc 🙂 if you spent as much time flossing as you do wondering what your dentist may know… you would have nothing to worry about 🙂 get it done 🙂
Theodor U.
Yes, in that if you have gingivitis it’s extremely obvious. If somehow you’re not prone to it and can get away with flossing irregularly, that’s just as good as a person who is prone to it flossing all the time. The disease is the thing we’re trying to fight off, so the habit needs to be consistent enough to combat it.
Zeloni Q.
Yes they do. Since I've been flossing regularly, I gotten compliments from my dentist. I could imagine it being the opposite if I was not flossing.
Jasmin J.
Often, yes. For example, if your gums start bleeding when they floss your teeth at the office, that’s a giveaway that you haven’t been flossing. (If you flossed regularly, your gums would have built up a tolerance.) Flossing can also affect the size of the gum pockets.
Samantha Y.
Probably. When you brush your teeth you don’t usually get deep inside, like in between your teeth. So that means there will be some plaque or some other stuff still in between. I, myself, don’t floss regularly, or at all really. My dentist told me in a recent appointment that if you floss your teeth more it would look healthier and cleaner. I’m pretty sure that’s my dentist telling me to floss more 😂 but don’t really take my word for this, I’m not a professional at anyway. I hope this helped at least.
Ennya Q.
I used to just floss on the morning of my dental appointment and thought I was winning, but since using the Fabulous app and setting a daily flossing target, I am able to floss every night – and I really feel this is a great thing!
Carmen F.
Dentists definitely know when you’ve lied about flossing. Some people may have more dental issues, but this just requires more vigilance when flossing and brushing.
Berilo P.
Yes. There aren't too many other reasons that guns are tender or bleeding when examined. Acknowledge the lapse, and resolve to do better. One trick: begin by committing to floss one tooth. 😊