Do you have a once-a-week habit where you spend more time on your to-do list so that you can spend less time working on it on a daily basis? If so how long do you spend on that once a week habit?

Darren U.
Wow… that’s seems like a very good idea. I think I do that already sometimes but not thoughtfully. I have switched to trying to do my ToDoList in the evening for the next day and then in the morning just focusing on my top 3 list- but invariably, I become compelled to almost copy and past my whole ToDoList into my Too 3.

perhaps if thoughtfully come up with a routine daily ToDoList at the beginning of the week and then adjust on a daily a basis, it will then help me organize short term and long term goals as well as daily and weekly routines.

Madjer F.
Yes. In the beginning I didn’t do this. I was always in disorder and chias. Now that I plan my week and even month life is more calm and fun. I spend about an hour. 😍👍🌈
Aubrey E.
I have tried to develop the habit of using every day the principles of GTD but have come to fail as soon as a well goes by.
Mel Q.
Sundag evening tidying up of to do lists and prepping for the week ahead means I feel ready to go and not rushed in Monday morning.
Ma Line S.
Absolutely! Every Sunday night I take the time to make a plan for the entire week. I write down the different roles I play (individual, wife, daughter, work) and write goals and actions for each of the roles for that week. I review daily and add items as needed.
Sammy E.
Yes. I do what is known as the weekly review as inspired by the book Getting Things Done by David Allen. I schedule two hours every Friday to review and bring up to date my lists.
Jeffery I.
I’ve just started using the concept of timeboxing. Perhaps because this is still new in my life, it takes me about an hour every Friday morning to create and schedule time chunks of specific focus for the whole coming week starting the following Monday. Creating a short(er) to do list for each chunk daily then becomes less of a chore and burden. Having removed the decision of general focus for the coming days, to-dos seem to flow out of me with less resistance. There’s also less inner friction when I need to adjust and move a few things around during said week, as the overview and overarching vision remain clear and within reach for me. I’ve used different systems in the past which have aggravated my anxiety and situational ADD, like alert systems and groups of to-do lists. Timeboxing feels more person- and solution-centered than anything else. I have an aversion (read: intolerance) to alerts and long disconnected to-dos. Too long a reflection to say: the concept of timeboxing creates overview, insights, freedom and self-accountability. Enhance it with the mindful use and spotting of character strengths and you’re on your way to the Good Life. More about timeboxing on HBR: More about character strengths on
Elisete P.
I spend +- an hour on a Sunday evening or sometimes a Monday morning looking at my To Do’s for the week, planning which I will do & when – Mon to Fri.
Ricardo Q.
Well it depends on what the habit is. Some are just getting washed and dressed and making my bed, so in all honesty it varies according to what the habit is and how long it takes or how long I want or need to spend on it. Hope that helps and good luck
Sander W.
I do it every night. It’s important for me to set my intention for the next Day. Very helpful. A lot if successful people plan their day the day before.