What is your go to routine that is easy to get used to and do first thing in the morning?

Tobias Y.
Keep a lot of things simple and the same. Don’t vary your breakfast too much and make sure that you prepare the day before!
Higino Q.
I do ten squats before walking out the door. Then I get myself motivated to go for a walk instead of driving to get lunch. It makes a difference and I feel less guilty about the choices I make in regards to food.
Judith O.
I grab a hit of water from the bottle beside my bed, grab my headphones and do about 12 minutes of meditating, then I get up and start moving, its usually just dancing around while I make my breakfast. I try to make it a bit more vigorous like really lunging deep or using bigger or faster movements to get a little bit huffy puffy. Then I enjoy my breakfast. Then I hit tue shower and get into the day.
Malo T.
Incidental exercise – for example, walking, cycling, or running to work. You have to do it anyway, which makes it difficult to get out of.
Johan A.
I am trying just to get into a routine. Instead of taking tons of time to get dressed just for 9min if exercise I try and stretch 4minand do core exercises 4min.
Dale O.
Running, i think it suits me well. I get to think a lot when running, usually about good things. Running makes me feel like i could do anything i set my mind to. The fresh air in the morning does glories too. I feel more alert and prepared for the day.
Ramon E.
I like to take my dog for a walk in the morning. It gets me out of the house and I start out the day exercising in an easy way. Both me and my dog always look forward to it.
Jakob W.
Have everything prepared the night before! Huge help. Always remember your doing this for you. Just that thought alone will make you do it each morning. Life is stressed, but doing something for you makes everything worthwhile!
Judy B.
I do yoga. Some days when I don’t get to the yoga workout, I just do stretches and back bends. That counts for a lot too!
Kim T.

The app has lots of 8 to 12 minute workouts, and the variety keeps it interested.

Elliot Z.
Planks 20 seconds hold
40 – 50 Jumping Jack's
10 squats
20 push-ups
Margie B.
I use YouTube ten min yoga vids. I’ve tried a few – some a bit easier, some a bit harder, but all doable in the morning.
Sami Y.
It's best to start small. I myself have a hard still to get up and do this but a walk down your driveway with coffee or tea. If you have a dog that is the best motivator of all or kids. Even to th bus stop with them. Walking is for sure the best place to start. If you feel like going further then do it. I understand with the temperatures dropping its harder to get motivated, well find what you like about it. For me it's the crispness in the air. Maybe for you it will be your dog happy. If your close enough to walk to work time it and do it or build up to it. Use a creative mind and brainstorm ways to make it easier to get out. Now I've motivated myself to go for a walk. I hope this helps you
Bessie F.
I am still trying to install morning habits. But I always drink water as soon as I wake up, wash my face and have my vitamins.
Clara E.
I keep a water bottle on the nightstand so I drink water right away, even before I get out of bed. Then I grab my phone, not for social media or email, but to put on some motivating tunes or a podcast. I’m not a morning person so I need an extra dose of noise to wake me up! Finally, I always have a well balanced breakfast. Even though I usually eat on the go, breakfast still needs to be balanced. I have to be at work early, so I exercise in the evening when I have more time.